The Website Design Inquiry Form
  Person of Contact:  Sex: Male  Female  E-Mail: 
  Tel:  Fax:   Mobile Phone:
  The webpage you would like to commit us to design is to alter (including to alter completely) or is entirely new? 
  To alter   Entirely new
* The one who chooses to alter (including to alter completely)  
  1.Please notify us the website if you choose to alter (including to alter completely).
  2.Why do you want to alter (including to alter completely)? Are there any problems on beauty or effect? Or are there any other problems?
If you choose the entirely new design, please advise us the pattern and style you want us to design.  
  1.The main items you want to put in the webpage:
  Company profile Business items Staff recruitment Information/activities Counter Guestbook Forum
  E-news Member administration Product management system Shopping cart system
  2.The form/ pattern of the website you like:
   The place you want to recommend:
  3.Do you need the web hosting? (Web Hosting Expense and Explanation: Please enter from here) YES NO
  4.Other matters you would like to understand:
  5.Business items
  Perfect Translation & CompuNet Co., Ltd. Headquarters:5F, No. 103, Taichung Road, Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL:(04)22279899-20